
Performance management during March Madness: technical foul or slam dunk?
Back in 1891, a main form of transportation was by horse and buggy. Ellis Island hadn’t opened its doors yet. Heck, Abercrombie & Fitch wasn’t even in existence. However, a monumental invention occurred that year when James Naismith developed the game of basketball. Fast-forward 124 years to present day, and the sport has evolved to colossal proportions. Not only […]

How to read & write Braille, a brief overview
Braille is the alphabet used by the blind and the visually impaired, with each letter shown by a particular arrangement of dots in a 3×2 matrix. The Braille alphabet is named after its creator, French educator Louis Braille, who first published it in 1829. (Braille’s system was a development of a dot-based military writing system […]

How’s Business? Check the Bathroom
If the bathroom looks like this, how’s the service? (Photo via Bradley Corp.) 9/28/2012 — Maybe you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but Americans believe you can judge a business by its bathrooms, according to recent research. And this goes beyond the quintessential dirty gas-station bathroom: the surveys say issues like unflushed toilets […]

City Limit Signs On Town Identity: What is Your Area Known For?
July 18, 2012 — Welcome to Ware, nationally known as “the town that can’t be licked.” The town, which is located in Massachusetts, shows its flavor on a welcome sign located at the city limits. Welcome signs are found at the edge of many municipalities, proclaiming fun facts or town populations. By having a unique […]

Smoking Bans – How No Smoking Signs Help
Sometimes, a simple reminder is more effective than a law. While thirty-eight states in the US have implemented some sort of a smoking ban, it is awareness of these smoking bans is what will make a considerable difference to peoples’ smoking habits in public. This in turn makes No Smoking Signs essential to public facilities. […]

Warning Signage in Hospitals
Picture this: Mary entered the hospital; her father had a massive heart attack. She was very nervous and anxious and was unable to find the emergency ward. No proper emergency ward route signs were available to tell her the same. As the crucial minutes were ticking by, not being able to find her way through […]