Tag: social media

SmartSign digital detoxes on National Day of Unplugging
We’re so glued to our gadgets, that the mere thought of being separated from them provokes anxiety and frustration. “Fashionably late” would no doubt morph into “helplessly late” without our smartphones showing us both the way and the time. However, tech habits can take a toll on our ability to have wholehearted, meaningful experiences. One solution that’s been […]

7 strategies to help teens master social media etiquette
Do you know the appropriate way to butter a dinner roll during a sit-down dinner? If you were like me when I was a child, you probably would have cut the roll in half and generously buttered the middle. It turns out, though, that the approved etiquette for eating dinner rolls is to break it […]

This holiday season, Twitter will try to sell you stuff
What’s the mark of a successful social media campaign? It’s all about likes, followers, re-tweets, shares, and comments, right? Not any more! That list describes social media engagement, but we have entered a brand new era. That era minimizes the value of engagement and places a premium on a social media campaign’s ability to close […]

Infographic: Know the ideal length for everything you share on social media
In this diverse world we live in, there are those who favor Facebook and others who prefer LinkedIn. Some of us are bloggers or tweeters in our personal lives and others must harness the power of all kinds of social media to promote our businesses. But one thing we all have in common as we blog and tweet […]

Should you cyberstalk your child?
Children as young as eight years old want to get on social networks like Instagram these days. Social networks can be a difficult beast for even adults to master, let alone children. Parents often have to deal with sulky teenagers who accuse them of not trusting their own children. Still, parents do have a responsibility to […]

What not to do when using social media at work
Facebook has roughly 1.3 million daily users. With social media use at an all-time high, it’s vital that both employees and employers use social media at work in the correct ways. The problem with using social media at work Because many people have less of a filter when using social networks, ignorant posts do appear. If this happens […]

Sleep texting on the rise
You’ve heard of sleep walking, but what, you may ask, is sleep texting? So called sleep texters send messages and emails on their phones at night, while they are sleeping. They don’t remember doing so when they wake up. “Because it’s so easy to get notifications from smartphones, it becomes more difficult for us to […]