Tag: smartphones

Cheeky crossing signs take on those who text and walk
Here’s a sign of the times: Hayward, California has little tolerance for those who might wander into traffic while glued to a smartphone, and they want you to know about it. They’ve commissioned and posted official crossing signs that read: HEADS UP! CROSS THE STREET. THEN UPDATE […]

Google Glass and other wearable tech could revolutionize the workplace
Wearable technology like Google Glass is set to impact the workplace in ways we can’t imagine. While many of these changes are positive, there are some potential downsides. The real game changer is in field service, according to Gartner analyst Angel MacIntyre. If a technician is stuck, for example, he or she can simply “talk […]

Our smartphones could be costing us our personalities
In 1996 Sherry Turkle, professor of the Social Study of Science and Technology at MIT, made a name for herself speculating about the potential of virtual communities to enrich our actual lives. By 2013, she had pulled a 180 and was sounding out warnings on how smartphone dependency erodes our ability to connect with people, […]