Tag: security

July is Vehicle Theft Prevention Month
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration marks July as National Vehicle Theft Prevention Month. It is important for car owners to remember to take the right precautions to protect their vehicle from theft. As a business, it is imperative to remind drivers to lock their cars and keep valuables out of sight. In 2015, 707, 758 […]

When can you put booby traps on your property?
The jerry-rigged booby trap has been a staple of fiction for decades. Home Alone. Indiana Jones. Dungeons & Dragons. And from time to time, a property holder decides that lethal or potentially lethal force is appropriate to try to secure their property. Someone, whether an intruder, a guest, or the landowner, gets hurt (or killed), […]

Better design for more effective warning pop ups
To ensure effective communication, people used to rely heavily on language. Carefully structured, properly punctuated sentences did the important work of conveying messages clearly. Note the difference between, “Let’s eat Grandma,” and “Let’s eat, Grandma.” (It’s the comma, in case you didn’t catch it.) Language usage was once held to the highest standards in order […]

Mobile payment risks down, confusion up
There are always, always, always reports of customer data being stolen from various retailers. Supervalu, a Midwest supermarket chain, was hit by hackers last summer. Home Depot investigated a potential security breach in September. Staples looked into a similar problem in October. Target was targeted over the holidays. Yet, techies still hold out hope that consumers will […]

Graphic ads put blood on voters’ hands
Spilled blood is a pretty convincing argument for gun control, which is why the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is referencing real shootings in their latest, quite graphic ads. Placing part of the blame squarely on voters, the ads remind us that voting for politicians who don’t believe in common-sense gun laws means supporting legislation […]

Ban on hoodies sparks heated debate in Harlem
Harlem, New York is nowhere near Sanford Florida, where young Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in 2012 in an incident that shone an unlikely spotlight on hooded sweatshirts and sparked heated debate about the role of attire in crime and stereotyping.* And yet, when controversy over hooded sweatshirts arose in Harlem this year, it […]