Tag: remzem

OSHA and needlestick injury
Do you know what needlestick injury means? It’s the health and safety term (along with “sharps injury”) that describes what happens when a worker gets pricked with a used needle or syringe. These needlestick and sharps injuries can be serious, and they occupy a particular niche in the world of safety hazards; they’re easily preventable (anyone […]

Sharing respectfully: the fight against cyberbullying
Stanley Arnold, a man who once ran for president in the 1970s, said: “Every problem contains within itself the seeds of its own solution.” Although his campaign ultimately fell flat, his point resonates beyond the 20th century. The proliferation of online bullying, in particular via social networks, is garnering serious attention, and requiring equally powerful […]

5 ways to fight the winter blues
Ah, February. Does the thought of the year’s second month make you think of pink decorations and chocolate hearts? In reality, it can be endless stretches of somber gray skies, brown slushy snow, and fighting off the flu. Whether you call it the winter blues, cabin fever, or seasonal depression, the February blahs seem inevitable. […]

To frack or not to frack?
Folks in Youngstown, Ohio might take the cake for the most harrowing of New Year’s Eves; the Midwest town brought in 2012 with a December 31 earthquake. This event raised a red flag to local residents, who wondered if there was more behind the natural disaster than pure coincidence. Unusual seismic activity and environmental issues […]

How to Stop Subway Deaths
One of my favorite parts about taking the New York subway every day is the announcements. They come in two forms: one by the conductor, and then there’s the robotic, prerecorded voice that comes through the speakers. “Please stand away from the platform edge.” This phrase invokes my sense of readiness. I stop what I’m […]

OSHA in 2013: New rules, reviews, and research
C. Stebbins The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is tasked with assuring safe and healthy working conditions for Americans by providing training, outreach, education, and assistance to workers. Its responsibilities are substantial and wide-reaching; so, like most of us, OSHA has a laundry list of tasks for this new year. Here are five important […]

Emerald green for 2013: signs in the color of the year
This year, it’s time to go green–Emerald Green! Each year, Pantone, the authority on color and provider of color systems for the design industry, selects a color to influence design trends. The Color of the Year for 2013 is a deep, verdant, emerald green. SmartSign pays tribute to the color of the year with green […]