Tag: remzem

Social media vigilantes hunt for stolen bikes
Is there any more exhilarating feeling than being on your bike on a warm spring day, coasting down a gentle hill, getting fresh air and exercise? It’s no wonder that one of our favorite bike bloggers refers to it as “bikeyface.” We’re big bike enthusiasts here at SmartSign, so we think that the delight in […]

Ride the Big Apple: largest bike share coming to NYC
The city notorious for traffic congestion and raucous yellow cab drivers is due to get an epic transportation facelift this May, in the form of an expansive bike-share system. Get this: over 4,000 people registered for Citi Bike memberships in the first day alone, and hundreds of new memberships are anticipated in the coming […]

New NYC street art blends hip-hop and signage
Artist and designer Jay Shells posted over 30 street signs for a project that memorializes rap lyrics using street art. The initiative stems from a key component in hip-hop culture: when a lyricists represents where they came from in their music. “On a park bench on 12th St., my whole crew’s famous” – Prodigy Walking through New York, you […]

Want to relax? Lose weight? Bike to work, studies say
I’m feeling wide awake at work this Friday morning, and it’s not thanks to a dose of caffeine. It’s one of the perks of bike commuting; after your route to work, you’ll walk into the office feeling both industrious and relaxed. It’s great for fitness and weight loss, too. In fact, bike commuting is even more […]

Not just for kids: new cyberbullying law ensures teachers are treated right
Cyberbullying amongst school students is one of the year’s hottest issues, but lately, students tormenting teachers online has become just as serious a problem. Naturally, students will discuss and even poke fun of authority figures such as teachers or principals, but social media provides a particularly insidious platform for students to vent their frustration against superiors […]

3 food recall fiascos that’ll make you fear your fork
Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to ask how the sausage is made. Just ask the IKEA patrons across Europe who recently chowed down on the retailer’s iconic Swedish meatballs. Many a carnivore salivate just thinking of the meaty chunks of goodness, but public fondness may have waned last month when Czech authorities discovered that those IKEA meatballs contained traces of horse […]

Connor Fields – Why I Ride
We created BikeGuard, a free bike registry, to help keep an eye on the bikes that are so important to us. Cycling — and our bikes — quickly become more than just a part of our commutes and routines, they become our way to relax, challenge, and even define ourselves. We decided to talk to someone who knows […]