Tag: remzem

Need to overcome your cell phone addiction? There are apps for that
Our internet and cell phone addiction is fueled by our need to stay on top of current events. Ironically, more often than not, it causes us to lag behind in what’s going on around us. The cost of cell phone addiction in teens and adults In teens, this obsession can lead to behavioral problems, disrupted […]

5 funny signs that meant well, but didn’t get it quite right
Signs are meant to clearly direct us, warn us, or give us instructions. However, people get them wrong more often than you’d think. There’s a treasure trove of embarrassing and funny sign slip-ups out there. We at SmartSign have collected a few of our favorite face-palm inducing signs for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy! 1. Cloning […]

Georgia makes pet evacuation SAFE
As hurricane season approaches, pet owners will have to make some tough decisions. Evacuating with pets during an emergency is often not an option, since most shelters do not take pets in. For Georgia residents, however, there is some respite. Georgia’s new pet evacuation center The SAFE center is the brainchild of George McCommon, currently its […]

Deadly Oklahoma tornado highlights need for safe rooms
The two-mile wide tornado that formed over Moore, Oklahoma, on May 20, 2013 registered at the top of the scale at EF-5. In an EF-5 tornado, cars will be flung into the air, strong houses leveled to their foundation, the structure of high rises deformed and, according to one definition “incredible phenomena will occur.” The […]

Florida officials prepare for evacuation as hurricane season approaches
Even though the Atlantic and Gulf coasts are considered high-risk areas for hurricanes, the Tampa Bay area in Florida has been lucky so far. Except for a few problems due to tropical storms, the region has not witnessed any disastrous damage due to hurricanes for the past seven years. But Florida officials are not relying […]

New York to Louisiana: How global warming affects evacuation routes
Who could forget Kanye West’s statement, “George Bush doesn’t care about black people”? Many others, like the rapper, raised an outcry after the havoc wreaked by 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. People pointed fingers at the government for not providing sufficient refuge routes or evacuation strategies. The problem persists, but now it has another cause. In 2013, […]

Good luck not laughing: Friday funny signs roundup
At SmartSign, we’re sign geeks: safety, security, custom, funny, dog poop, funny dog poop – you name it. You could call us academicians of signage; tenured professors of labels, mats, tags and banners. We view signs as game changers, and even lifesavers. Plus, nothing soothes the soul (besides a personal pint of Ben & Jerry’s) […]