Tag: remzem

Know before you go: Hurricane safety tips for new coastal residents
Almost 100 million Americans live within 80 kilometers of a coast and so risk being in the path of a hurricane. Although we haven’t seen a major hurricane since 2005, this might just be the calm before the storm. The long-term effects of previous hurricanes are still being felt, which can influence people’s decisions on […]

Sign colors: What’s in a shade?
Everyone has a favorite color! Some of us even have a least favorite color. But did you know that our love for colors makes up 90% of product assessment according to FastCompany? Meaning, two sweaters that are identical in everything but color could make a big difference in terms of revenue. It may not always be […]

How to make an evacuation plan for your small business
If you think an evacuation plan is only necessary for large-scale industries, multi-story buildings, and sprawling offices, think again. After OSHA fined JJ’s Restaurant in Kansas City for not having an adequate evacuation plan at the time of a gas explosion and fire earlier this year, businesses including restaurants in Kansas City are mulling over […]

Well there’s a strange sign. Wait…seriously?
Have you ever been driving down a road, seen a strange sign, processed it, then turned around to make sure that you didn’t read it wrong? Well, here are five strange signs that made us at SmartSign do just that. Some people have zero faith in their fellow man, and take it upon themselves to […]

Texting while walking will cost you, but haven’t we always been distracted?
At SmartSign, we often discuss the dangers of our dependence on smartphones and the benefits of digital detox. But when it comes to texting while walking, those dangers will cost you more than a sense of human connection. In Fort Lee, New Jersey, texting while jaywalking now carries a $54 fine, and it’s not the […]

Uttarakhand flash floods: fear of epidemic emerges as rescue operations continue
After the massive devastation caused by flash floods in Uttarakhand, India on June 15, it might take years before life crawls back to normalcy. As clean-up procedures start, the fear of an epidemic looms large. However, experts are working to dispel fears, and stress that rescue and rehabilitation should be the first priority. Dubbed the […]

Our smartphones could be costing us our personalities
In 1996 Sherry Turkle, professor of the Social Study of Science and Technology at MIT, made a name for herself speculating about the potential of virtual communities to enrich our actual lives. By 2013, she had pulled a 180 and was sounding out warnings on how smartphone dependency erodes our ability to connect with people, […]