Tag: remzem

Brooklyn mural uses signs to remember slain children, call for action
The corner of Butler Street and 3rd Avenue is painted with a startling reminder to drive carefully, with a mural depicting three children killed in car-on-pedestrian accidents. The Brooklyn, New York site is only a block away from the streetcorner where four-year-old James Rice was hit by an oncoming car. James was crossing the street, […]

Crime Watch or Crime Botch? The Legality of Neighborhood Watch Programs in the Trayvon Martin Case
Wednesday, April 11, 2012- The past month has been rife with debate and outrage regarding the shooting of Trayvon Martin, in which a 17-year old boy was killed by self-appointed neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman. A hacked digital sign in Detroit, Michigan recently highlighted the persistent tones of racism underlying the case, when it was […]

Lights Out in the City That Never Sleeps
April 3, 2012 — Times Square and the people who fill it are among the most fundamental sights to be seen in the Big Apple. Amidst the bustle of ticket-hawkers and Naked Cowboy photo opportunists, tourists cluster to stare up at the billboards above Times Square. The gaudy advertisements twinkle around the clock, flashing messages […]

OSHA Finds Carcinogens on Your New Subway Line
March 21, 2012 — Fresh on the heels of FACE’s 2011 report on state-by-state workplace fatalities comes shocking news of an excessive amount of the known carcinogen silica in an underground construction site — for a New York City subway. The 2nd Avenue subway line is an exciting expansion to a subway system that doesn’t […]

FACE Releases 2011 Workplace Fatalities Report: Good News for Washington State
March 15, 2012 — Washington State reported only 15 workplace deaths this year, a record low, a study released yesterday shows. The Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (FACE), hosted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at the Centers for Disease Control, evaluates participating states to increase safety at the workplace. This […]

OSHA Fines Aluminum Manufacturer for Endangering Worker Safety
Wednesday, March 7, 2012 — Fritz Aluminum Services Inc, an aluminum fabrication company located in Eustis, Florida, is about to pay the price for willfully endangering its employees by exposing them to a myriad of safety and health hazards. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is banging down the moneyed […]

Thieves in transport: A side-by-side comparison of bike & car thieves
Whether you ride a bike or drive a car, I’m sure everyone would agree that there’s no bigger bummer than having your personal vehicle of transportation stolen. In my short life, I’ve already had one bike and one car stolen from me (though to be fair, the car was my Dad’s, a rusty blue 1988 […]