Tag: remzem

The key to good customer service is knowing your customer
This post is part of a series celebrating SmartSign’s 15th Anniversary. In 15 posts, we reflect on lessons learned, good experiences, and company-wide changes that brought us to this milestone of success. You can view the entire series here. In the words of SmartSign’s CEO and co-founder Blair Brewster, “Where do all the ideas for new […]

Value your vendors
This post is part of a series celebrating SmartSign’s 15th Anniversary. In 15 posts, we reflect on lessons learned, good experiences, and company-wide changes that brought us to this milestone of success. You can view the entire series here. In e-commerce, being successful depends on a number of factors, but chief among them is the […]

Keeping up employee morale
This post is part of a series celebrating SmartSign’s 15th Anniversary. In 15 posts, we reflect on lessons learned, good experiences, and company-wide changes that brought us to this milestone of success. You can view the entire series here. Great companies are separated from good companies through the foundation of strong company culture and employee […]

Meet the SmartSign customer service team: Stephany Sam
Stephany Sam is a call center manager at SmartSign. She’s been with the company for the last five years. Originally from Haiti, Stephany currently lives in the Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn. She recently announced to the team that she’s expecting a baby due in May. Monica: I know you’re a manager here, but can you […]

Better building could have lessened Joplin tornado damage, study says
A two-year long study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reveals that national standards for building construction could reduce damage from tornadoes. NIST swung into action a mere two days after the tornado, sending a team to extract information that could help in future storms. The 2011 Joplin tornado is the deadliest on […]

Meet the SmartSign team: Carey Smith
Carey Smith is a Sales Representative at SmartSign. Originally from Grenada, he’s lived in Brooklyn for the last 11 years. He came to SmartSign after joining the U.S. Army Reserve, and keeps that sense of adventure alive by driving Lamborghinis on his birthday and trying to get his fellow SmartSign team members to go skydiving. Monica: […]

Teenagers and technology: What can parents do?
A picture posted on NBC New’s Instagram feed in March 2013 shows how much our world has been affected by the 21st century’s most visible tech revolution. The top of the picture is Saint Peter’s Square in 2005 and the bottom is from the same perspective but taken in 2013. If you are over thirty, […]