OSHA Top 10 of 2017
Recently, OSHA came out with its top 10 list of violations, not to be confused with Letterman’s Top 10. This list is compiled from all reported workplace violations in 2017. The 2016 and 2017 lists are almost identical. Why? Our work environments have grown increasingly complicated. Multicultural, multilingual, some even say highly regulated, and it […]

Should you worry about recordkeeping violations from more than six months ago?
Businesses must maintain OSHA records for five years. But since 2012, it has been up in the air how long you can be cited for failing to maintain those records, because OSHA and the courts have been fighting the statute of limitations for recordkeeping violations. In 2012, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. […]

New OSHA injury and illness tracking rules effective January 1
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration already requires employers to record workplace injuries and illnesses in an OSHA log. That’s been the standard for decades now. Now, the revised OSHA rules require most employers over 250 employees, and employers in high-risk industries with 20-249 employees, to report workplaces injuries and illnesses electronically. This workplace injury […]

Most workplaces lack in emergency preparedness, says survey
Do your employees know how to handle a crisis at workplace? Is your office’s emergency preparedness plan adequate? OSHA defines workplace emergency as “an unforeseen situation that threatens your employees, customers, or the public; disrupts or shuts down your operations; or causes physical or environmental damage.” It is important for employers to see whether a […]