Tag: New York City

The neon of New York City
New York City has long been known for its array of lights and neon signs. New York’s history with neon signage, however, has been nothing short of simple. In the 1930’s, neon signs were an integral part of the New York City landscape, representing the image of NYC as a “glamorous metropolis”. Neon signage was […]

MTA launches sign campaign aimed at poor rider etiquette
You may have read about the satirical, anonymously-posted signs posted all over the London Underground over the last year or two. They look exactly like official London Underground signs, but instead display messages such as: “Don’t acknowledge fellow passengers or sustain eye contact beyond 2 seconds. Please respect urban solitude.” Or, slightly more alarmingly, “For […]

Ever wondered what a CEO does all day?
Have you ever strolled past that illustrious corner office in your place of work and wondered, Just what is it that my CEO actually does all day? Sally Herships, a writer for Marketplace, wondered the same thing. Perhaps she could have ambushed her own CEO and asked, “So, what exactly do you do all day?” […]

Signs touting history intrigue New Yorkers and tourists
If you’ve spent time in New York during the past two years, chances are you’ve passed by a blue sign touting a historical tidbit. More than 3,000 of these signs line the subway systems, street corners, and other highly visible locations throughout the state. These signs are part of an ambitious “Path Through History” campaign […]

New mapping tool maps age of every building in Manhattan
Map geeks and history buffs, rejoice! Ever wanted to know where to find the oldest buildings in Manhattan? Wondering when the building you’re living in was built? Now you can find out, thanks to the inventive folks at Morphocode. Morphocode is an architectural firm that works “at the intersection of design and technology.” They created […]

Design that breathes life into important regulations
Imagine yourself as a recently-arrested juvenile offender. Or a father on his way to family court. Or a tenant with minimal knowledge of English and a landlord who’s refusing to repair a big leak. Look for help in some communities and you might be handed a typical brochure or pamphlet outlining concepts and policies you […]

Amazon.com gets physical (with a brick and mortar store, that is)
Amazon.com is the king of online retail. In 2013, Amazon reported just shy of $75 billion in sales. That’s the equivalent of every man, woman, child, and newborn on the planet shelling out a little more than ten bucks to Amazon in a single year. With statistics like these, it’s no wonder that Amazon.com’s recent […]