Tag: marketing

Infographic: Know the ideal length for everything you share on social media

Infographic: Know the ideal length for everything you share on social media

In this diverse world we live in, there are those who favor Facebook and others who prefer LinkedIn. Some of us are bloggers or tweeters in our personal lives and others must harness the power of all kinds of social media to promote our businesses. But one thing we all have in common as we blog and tweet […]

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Infographic: How your brain processes logos

Infographic: How your brain processes logos

Have you ever driven around town with a two-year-old, marveling at the way a non-reading preschooler can recognize and call out the logos for Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s, Walmart, and Target? How is that even possible? Logo Maker’s new infographic explains away the mystery, which starts—for children and adults alike—with recognition of the basics: shape and […]

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Marketing firms are paying close attention to your photos

Marketing firms are paying close attention to your photos

Picture this: You and a friend are lounging on your deck. You’re holding a can of Coca-Cola. You snap a selfie, deem it worthy of the public, and post it on social media. Soon, you start seeing Coca-Cola ads pop up ads during  your Internet browsing. You might not even notice the ads. If you do, you […]

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The disconnect between marketers and Google Plus

The disconnect between marketers and Google Plus

Those of us involved in social media professionally have seen a lot of attention shift from one industry trend to another. I remember hearing at SMX Social 2012 that marketers needed to start using Google Plus, so following the conference, I created pages for SmartSign’s brands. I waited patiently for actual signs of life on […]

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Use multimedia early and often

Use multimedia early and often

This post is part of a series celebrating SmartSign’s 15th Anniversary. In 15 posts, we reflect on lessons learned, good experiences, and company-wide changes that brought us to this milestone of success. You can view the entire series here. B2B companies are increasingly testing the waters of incorporating images, infographics, videos, and more into their marketing […]

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