Tag: highway

How highways got their signs
We recently got an interesting inquiry from a customer asking, just how did street signs get that way? Why are they shaped like they are? Well, it’s actually an interesting question! At first, signage on streets and highways wasn’t standardized at all. In the early 20th century, most long-distance travel was by rail or […]

L.A.’s bike highway that never was
Los Angeles is the car capital of America. Its landmarks are its roads: Sunset Boulevard, the Pacific Coast Highway, Rodeo Drive. And entire comedy sketches have been made about Angelenos’ love affair with the automobile. But it wasn’t always this way. In 1900, Los Angeles had the first elevated “cycleway” in the world. At the […]

Missouri’s tourist attraction signs may be history
If you’ve spent any time cruising down America’s highways, you’ve likely passed countless signs directing you to points of cultural and historical interest. You may not have given these signs much thought. (Though if you’re my father, you made a point of stopping at every single one on every single road trip throughout my youth.) […]