Tag: emergency

Wildfire Evacuation Signs: For Evacuation Like No Other
Time is crucial during a wildfire. Timely evacuations help keep first responders and civilians out of harm’s way. They’re absolutely essential to protecting life and property. But even if the alert goes out at the right time and the public is prepared, wildfire evacuation can still be tricky. Wildfires can move fast, and evacuees can […]

Cyborg roaches to the rescue! Biobots could map collapsed buildings for emergency responders
Whether it’s assessing a wrecked building, exploring uncharted territories, or conducting surveillance in a hostile environment — the modern cockroach can do it all. A research team from North Carolina State University has devised a software that uses a swarm of “cyborg cockroaches” or “biobots” (roaches fitted with electronic sensors) to map dangerous or uncertain areas, […]

How to evacuate a subway
I take the subway to work every morning. Usually I’m in a groggy, zoned-out state with my headphones in and my brain still turned off. However, there are those occasional mornings my mind goes all “Final Destination”-y, and I consider what I would do in case of an emergency that would cause me to evacuate […]

How to evacuate a high rise
Evacuating any building, whether it’s during an emergency, drill, or false alarm can be stressful. Evacuating a high rise, however, poses unique challenges that we may not all know how to handle. Whether you’re an employee or employer, being thoroughly prepared will help ensure the evacuation process goes smoothly and safely for everyone. Simply put: […]