Tag: design

3-D museum map makes finding your way a snap
There’s a reason paper maps aren’t always easy to follow—and the blame no longer settles squarely on any one individual’s lack of an innate sense of direction. A simpler (and less accusatory) explanation could be the traditional design of most maps. They’re rendered in 2-D. In other words, they’re flat. And we’re stuck trying to […]

Presidio Trust design proposals prioritize accessibility
Charged with attracting visitors—but not mobs of tourists—to a freshly blank outdoor space, design firm West 8, based in Rotterdam, Brussels, and New York, proposes a number of innovative ideas. A sloped oval-shaped walkway, that’s accessible to all. An enclosed meadow in the center of the walkway. Softer grass in the meadow, making it clear it’s […]

Design that breathes life into important regulations
Imagine yourself as a recently-arrested juvenile offender. Or a father on his way to family court. Or a tenant with minimal knowledge of English and a landlord who’s refusing to repair a big leak. Look for help in some communities and you might be handed a typical brochure or pamphlet outlining concepts and policies you […]

Website identification game proves the importance of design fundamentals
If you see a red octagonal sign with bold, white type at an intersection, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’re supposed to come to a complete stop. You don’t need to speak the language. Your eyes don’t need to be sharp enough to read “S-T-O-P.” You don’t need to have any other information. That’s […]