Tag: customer service

Meet the SmartSign Team: Angel Minor
Angel Minor has been at SmartSign longer than most. Originally from Mississippi, she moved to New York seven years ago, and has been working at SmartSign and living in Harlem almost ever since. We talked about her job as Special Accounts Manager, her fundraising efforts, and her pet yorkie. Monica: You’re our Special Accounts Manager. […]

Handle with care: when customers blow up
This post is part of a series celebrating SmartSign’s 15th Anniversary. In 15 posts, we reflect on lessons learned, good experiences, and company-wide changes that brought us to this milestone of success. You can view the entire series here. As any customer service pro knows, one of the biggest challenges to the job is maintaining an […]

The key to good customer service is knowing your customer
This post is part of a series celebrating SmartSign’s 15th Anniversary. In 15 posts, we reflect on lessons learned, good experiences, and company-wide changes that brought us to this milestone of success. You can view the entire series here. In the words of SmartSign’s CEO and co-founder Blair Brewster, “Where do all the ideas for new […]