The SmartSign Blog keeps its eye on many aspects of the security industry: technology, trespassing, and surveillance, to name a few. Along with our extensive collection of regulatory updates and news stories, our most popular contributions include posts about video surveillance, QR codes, and theft prevention. SmartSign’s security website provides a diverse range of security signs like Private Property, No Trespassing, Security Camera, Authorized Personnel Only, and Beware of the Dog signs. But not all of our signs have a bite to them. Our focus is on helping consumers, business owners, and employees stay alert, informed, and well-protected.

Are You Liable for Alligator Bites?
Understand Your Obligations to Protect Your Property from Wild Animals So you’ve decided to buy property in an area with dangerous animals. Maybe you’ve moved to Florida, and you’re worried about sharks; or you’ve bought property in Texas, where fire ants are common; or you’ve retired to Arizona, where rattlesnakes abound. You want to protect […]

Ban on hoodies sparks heated debate in Harlem
Harlem, New York is nowhere near Sanford Florida, where young Trayvon Martin was shot and killed in 2012 in an incident that shone an unlikely spotlight on hooded sweatshirts and sparked heated debate about the role of attire in crime and stereotyping.* And yet, when controversy over hooded sweatshirts arose in Harlem this year, it […]

MIT is developing smarter maps
Google Street View is already somewhat of a revelation. The ability to see 360-degree images of millions of locations around the world is something we couldn’t have even imagined a generation ago. And yet, being able to look up images via address is just the beginning. Researchers at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory […]

Are passwords soon to be passé?
People are currently planning civilian tourism to the moon, and yet we’re still relying on the same basic computer password strategies that we used in 1994. (We all know that you use your dog’s name and your birth year for every single online password, because that’s what everyone else does, too.) Driven by a potent […]

Smoking at work: how much does it cost employers?
There is no doubt whatsoever that smoking is bad for your personal health and those around you. And at work, everyone has long assumed that cigarette smoking “miscreants” are costing the company money. A recent study published in the journal Tobacco Control has put a number to the perception. As it turns out, a smoker can cost an […]

Not just for kids: new cyberbullying law ensures teachers are treated right
Cyberbullying amongst school students is one of the year’s hottest issues, but lately, students tormenting teachers online has become just as serious a problem. Naturally, students will discuss and even poke fun of authority figures such as teachers or principals, but social media provides a particularly insidious platform for students to vent their frustration against superiors […]