We get excited about our new products. If we’re featuring it here, that means it’s something special. As veterans of the business, we know how to make great signs, labels, mats, and tags that help make worksites, homes, and businesses safe and operable. Our signs say, well, whatever you want them to. They can help make your space or worksite safer, cleaner, quieter, funnier, more convenient, comfortable, navigable, restricted, or hospitable.
Our products come in OSHA or ANSI compliant templates, or are completely customizable. We’ve got everything from the strange to familiar: bathroom directions, tornado shelter signs, bee safety notices, and anti-cyberbullying stickers for laptops. Keep checking back here to see our favorite new products.
New Products

What is an evacuation assembly area?
An evacuation assembly area is a safe zone away from a building, marked in advance, where your employees and guests can congregate in the event of an emergency evacuation, such as a fire. This should be at a safe distance from the building, it should be universally known by your employees, and it should enable […]

Reflective Designer Signs for Address: Don’t Compromise on Style or Safety
House address signs that only provide curb appeal fail to perform their most critical function—being easy to spot. As a result, first responders lose precious time in locating rescue sites when time is of the essence. Increasingly, cities are passing ordinances that set certain requirements for house numbers. For now, they mostly concern the size […]

Wildfire Evacuation Signs: For Evacuation Like No Other
Time is crucial during a wildfire. Timely evacuations help keep first responders and civilians out of harm’s way. They’re absolutely essential to protecting life and property. But even if the alert goes out at the right time and the public is prepared, wildfire evacuation can still be tricky. Wildfires can move fast, and evacuees can […]

Can you sue if you get hit by a foul ball?
Foul balls in baseball, car crashes in NASCAR, rogue pucks in hockey: what do they all have in common? They’re all hazards to spectators at sporting events. For most businesses, known, dangerous conditions are the business’ responsibility. But that’s not the case with sporting events, in general. This rule comes from baseball. At the turn […]

Designer Dogs at Play Signs Are Perfect Accessories for Pet Friendly Neighborhoods
Dog runs and pet stores per block might be a selling point of your neighborhood but can you also boast of pet safety? The biggest danger to a dog is traffic, especially for dogs with chasing instincts. This could put you, your dog, and the motorist in danger. A gate left open, a leash […]

Can People See Your Shelter in Place Signs?
Where evacuation is risky—in events like chemical or radiological explosion, a gas line break, a leak from a nearby plant, terrorist threat—sheltering in place is the only recourse to defend yourself and those around you. The Red Cross, Center for Disease Prevention and Control, and many other organizations provide excellent tips to prepare for and […]

Sign colors: What’s in a shade?
Everyone has a favorite color! Some of us even have a least favorite color. But did you know that our love for colors makes up 90% of product assessment according to FastCompany? Meaning, two sweaters that are identical in everything but color could make a big difference in terms of revenue. It may not always be […]