
Good luck not laughing: Friday funny signs roundup
At SmartSign, we’re sign geeks: safety, security, custom, funny, dog poop, funny dog poop – you name it. You could call us academicians of signage; tenured professors of labels, mats, tags and banners. We view signs as game changers, and even lifesavers. Plus, nothing soothes the soul (besides a personal pint of Ben & Jerry’s) […]

3 food recall fiascos that’ll make you fear your fork
Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt to ask how the sausage is made. Just ask the IKEA patrons across Europe who recently chowed down on the retailer’s iconic Swedish meatballs. Many a carnivore salivate just thinking of the meaty chunks of goodness, but public fondness may have waned last month when Czech authorities discovered that those IKEA meatballs contained traces of horse […]

Dwight Schrute’s office fire drill tested for OSHA safety compliance
Dwight Schrute meets fire safety training. (Photos via NBC and 9/24/2012 — Dwight Schrute, Assistant (to the) Regional Manager at Dunder Mifflin, trained in the arts of surveillance, karate, and beet farming, volunteer sheriff’s deputy, and bed and breakfast proprietor, knows a lot about responsibility. When Dwight Schrute was put in charge of training Dunder […]

Friday Five: On Radiation, Infinite Driver’s Ed, Dog Poop, and the Occasional Gun
Friday, August 24, 2012 — The TV show “Glee” has teamed up with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to make a public service announcement about the dangers of texting while driving. The partnership is expected to boost the NHTSA’s texting while driving awareness program “Stop Texts, Stop the Wrecks.” Drivers are 23 times […]

Special Friday Five: All Things Parking — Gendered, Fined, Electronic, and Broken
Reserved parking signs may have to be modified to say “for women only” after the release of a new series of “easy” parking spots for female motorists in one German town. (via JustBathroomSigns) Triberg, Germany, has a new series of “easy” parking spots designated for female drivers. These disparaging parking spots are generally wider and […]

Friday Five: Chocolate-Covered Highways, Mural-Adorned Garages, and Parking Spots for Sale
Who says a parking garage can’t be a work of art? Cave drawings were the inspiration for this 9,600-foot mural in a Colorado parking garage (via Huffington Post) A parking garage in Vail, Colorado acted as a canvas this past week after artist Randy Milhoan painted large murals on each floor of the multi-level underground […]

This Week in Signs — Edible, Floating, Instated and Missing
Friday, May 24, 2012 — Leo Ilyayev, manager of Ilya’s Barber Shop on Lispenard Street, which will be receiving new street signs this week from the city. (DNAinfo/Julie Shapiro) “Lost” TriBeCa Street to Get New Signs Business owners on Lispenard Street, a two-block road in TriBeCa, are overjoyed that their street will finally emerge from obscurity […]