Bump in business? Chalk it up to funny sidewalk signs
When choosing a restaurant or bar, people want a place with a little character! While beautiful table cloths and wafting aromas pull some people in, I look for a place with a humorous message.
But don’t believe me, believe science! In a very serious study called The Effect of Humor on Advertising Comprehension by Calvin P. Duncan, James E. Nelson, and Nancy T. Frontczak, found that humor (in the form of a one-line joke) promotes advertising message comprehension.
So in other words, we are more attracted to funny signs! It’s good to know as a whole we like laughing more than we like being serious. It’s also interesting to note that funny messages make more sense and are processed better by the human mind.
In 2009, President of the Marketing Firm, Yankelovich, Jay Walker-Smith said, “we’ve gone from being exposed to about 500 ads a day back in the 1970’s to as many as 5,000 a day today.” That was in 2009! With 2014 right around the corner, I wonder how many we’re seeing now?
Most people probably aren’t aware of all 5,000 advertisements we see daily. From the bright glaring storefronts to the cardboard homemade signs, we push a lot of it aside as noise. But it’s the emotional connection we get through humor that makes us stop and think about what the sign is saying!
However, even signs that aren’t humorous may still catch our eye if they’re offering something we desperately want — like a massage!
What’s the best sidewalk sign you’ve ever seen? Comment below and let us know!

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