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Different Ways to Motivate your Employees for Work Safety

The answer to how to motivate employees for work safety is not so simple. Abraham Maslow devised a hierarchy of needs that tried to communicate the basic concerns and desires of a human being while working. The first need talks about the basic human requirements for survival like food to eat, air to breathe, water to drink.

The second level talks about safety, which is very important. This can help employers motivate employees to stay in the organization for long. Safety here includes both physical safety as well as financial security. Employers benefit by ensuring that employees feel a sense of security. If the employees are concerned about the forthcoming layoffs, they may have trouble concentrating on work. Employees then feel less motivated. Moreover, lack of safety measures such as appropriate safety signs at workplace may lead the employees to believe that their physical security is being compromised. They may start looking for another job and shift if they feel safety and security is not provided for.

Safety level has its importance but it is achieved only if the employee feels safe and secure in the work environment.  The sole responsibility to achieve work safety does not lie on the management but workers too. Employees need to be motivated to look after their own safety and security to strike out a balance of responsibilities.

Different ways that will help motivate employees to increase work safety are-

Designing an effective safety program and motivating employees about safety awareness will give employees a sense of security and belongingness. A secure and motivated employee will not only then work safely but also work efficiently towards achievements of company’s goals and targets.

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