
Artist highlights power of GPS technology with glowing orbs
For those who grew up with the Internet, cell phones, GPS, and other modern technologies firmly in place, it’s difficult to imagine going through life without them. Even if you can remember when such antiquities as rotary phones, paper phone books, and foldout maps were ubiquitous, you’ve probably come to take for granted today’s technological […]

Are passwords soon to be passé?
People are currently planning civilian tourism to the moon, and yet we’re still relying on the same basic computer password strategies that we used in 1994. (We all know that you use your dog’s name and your birth year for every single online password, because that’s what everyone else does, too.) Driven by a potent […]

Website identification game proves the importance of design fundamentals
If you see a red octagonal sign with bold, white type at an intersection, it’s a pretty safe bet that you’re supposed to come to a complete stop. You don’t need to speak the language. Your eyes don’t need to be sharp enough to read “S-T-O-P.” You don’t need to have any other information. That’s […]

Our 6 favorite examples of guerilla signage
As a sign company, we are well aware of the power of signs to make a statement, which is why we love it when other people recognize this power and put it to good use. The best unsanctioned signs serve one of a few purposes: they amuse, provide a much-needed service, or raise awareness. And […]