
Graphic ads put blood on voters’ hands
Spilled blood is a pretty convincing argument for gun control, which is why the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence is referencing real shootings in their latest, quite graphic ads. Placing part of the blame squarely on voters, the ads remind us that voting for politicians who don’t believe in common-sense gun laws means supporting legislation […]

3-D museum map makes finding your way a snap
There’s a reason paper maps aren’t always easy to follow—and the blame no longer settles squarely on any one individual’s lack of an innate sense of direction. A simpler (and less accusatory) explanation could be the traditional design of most maps. They’re rendered in 2-D. In other words, they’re flat. And we’re stuck trying to […]

New mapping tool maps age of every building in Manhattan
Map geeks and history buffs, rejoice! Ever wanted to know where to find the oldest buildings in Manhattan? Wondering when the building you’re living in was built? Now you can find out, thanks to the inventive folks at Morphocode. Morphocode is an architectural firm that works “at the intersection of design and technology.” They created […]

In rapidly-growing cities, streets have no names
It may come as a shock to learn that about 1.8 billion people in the world today don’t have an address. That’s not because they’re homeless, but because they live in rapidly growing cities where the streets were never named—cities like Sekondi-Takoradi, in Ghana, which is now working to change the situation. The city, which […]

Presidio Trust design proposals prioritize accessibility
Charged with attracting visitors—but not mobs of tourists—to a freshly blank outdoor space, design firm West 8, based in Rotterdam, Brussels, and New York, proposes a number of innovative ideas. A sloped oval-shaped walkway, that’s accessible to all. An enclosed meadow in the center of the walkway. Softer grass in the meadow, making it clear it’s […]

Design that breathes life into important regulations
Imagine yourself as a recently-arrested juvenile offender. Or a father on his way to family court. Or a tenant with minimal knowledge of English and a landlord who’s refusing to repair a big leak. Look for help in some communities and you might be handed a typical brochure or pamphlet outlining concepts and policies you […]

MIT is developing smarter maps
Google Street View is already somewhat of a revelation. The ability to see 360-degree images of millions of locations around the world is something we couldn’t have even imagined a generation ago. And yet, being able to look up images via address is just the beginning. Researchers at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory […]