Digging damages a buried utility line every three minutes in the United States. Unsafe digging can put your safety at risk and cut you and the community from critical services.
Customize this sign to include your company name and contact number.
Negligent digging causes damage in more than one way. Since most areas have underground systems such as water and gas pipelines, gas tanks, and cables, unearthing a piece of land without knowing what’s underneath can damage expensive infrastructure and disrupt service to whole neighborhoods.
Digging can also pose physical danger to anyone who is gardening, landscaping, fencing, excavating, or building. One such incident involved a gas company worker named Brad Livingston. While rushing through a project involving digging and welding gas tanks, a gas tank exploded and burned 63% of his body.
Call Before You Dig signs help ensure that (under)groundwork is not damaged and that outside workers fully understand and can avoid the hazards they present. Some signs also inform diggers to get clearance before digging begins.
You can also choose Call 811 signs; by calling this toll-free number, diggers can schedule a free underground utility locating service. Local utility companies are informed of the caller’s intent of digging. The company then marks the land with color-coded flags (indicating the type of infrastructure) before digging is proclaimed safe.
Call Before You Dig signs can be customized with your company name and phone number, enabling diggers to contact you sufficiently in advance of their digging project. Available in aluminum and plastic, Call Before You Dig signs are sturdy and resist fading, chipping, and rusting. Lamination on the signs provides protection against washdowns, abrasion, and chemicals, so your message stays intact for a long time. Signs are pre-drilled for quick and hassle-free installation.