California’s Assembly Bill 1732 Transitions Single-User Restrooms To All-Gender Restrooms

California has become the first state in the nation to adopt a new law that will require all single occupancy restrooms in any business establishment, place of public accommodation, or state or local government agency to be accessible to all genders.

Starting on March 1, 2017, all establishments must have updated signage to reflect the new law. We’ve updated our selection of California all-gender restroom signs to be compliant with Bill 1732 while ensuring the signs are also Title 24 compliant. Sign thickness, Sintra material, ADA Braille, TactileTouch, and color schemes were considered thoroughly to ensure compliance with California law.

Bill 1732 builds on a 2013 California law allowing high school students to use facilities and participate in activities based on their gender identity rather than biological sex.

Following a 2013 survey on all-gender restrooms by the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, 70% of respondents reported being verbally harassed, denied access, or physically assaulted in public restrooms due to being transgender or gender non-conforming.

Assemblyman Phil Ting has stated that this new legislation will establish the nation’s most inclusive restroom access and “chart a new course of equality for the nation”. Supporters of the law also believe that all-gender restrooms will help parents with children of a different gender and adults caring for aging parents.

SmartSign and have been supporting the equal restroom access movement since 2014 with donations and discounts of all-gender restroom signs to over 400 organizations across the country. There has been a significant uptick of all-gender restroom signs being purchased and requested in the past two years. Many cities across the nation realize the importance of equal access for everyone and have passed ordinances that require all-gender restrooms

For in-depth details about the compliance of CA restroom signs, take a look at the all-gender infographic designed by’s California sign specialists.

Feel free to browse through our selection of ADA and Title 24 compliant California all-gender restroom sign kits. If you feel that your organization may be eligible for donated or discounted all-gender signs, please email [email protected].

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